Company details for Al-Murad Granite

Al-Murad Granite

  • 1132 (Display number) 1132525786
Howley Park Road East
Leeds West Yorkshire LS27 0BN United Kingdom

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About us

We, at Al-MuradGranite.Com offers quartz worktops in a wide range of colours. View our full range of quartz kitchen worktops online. Get the look and feel of a Quartz worktop but with more consistent and solid colour with us. We at Al-MuradGranite.Com specializes in Granite Worktops. We design, manufacture and install Granite worktops and surfaces throughout the UK. We are one of the largest suppliers of quality quartz worktops in the UK. We also supply and fit granite, Silestone and Corian kitchen worktops for your bathroom and kitchen worktops. Visit us online to view our range or call us today at 01132 525 786.

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