24 May 2012 | MS Electronics Ltd

Free Resource Launched − Environmental Policy Template

MS Electronics launches a free Environmental Policy Statement to help our customers reduce waste, become more efficient and increase profitability.

We have created a free Environmental Policy Statement (EP) to help you to reduce waste, become more efficient and increase profitability.

All businesses should have resource efficiency on their agenda − not just for environmental and sustainability best practice, but because waste and inefficiencies cost businesses money.

There are a number of drivers for the efficient use of resources within a business and a number of different methods and strategies to improve the efficiency of those resources.  One way of addressing the variety of strategies and techniques available to your business is through an Environmental Policy Statement.

Creating an EP will provide a plan and vision that will guide the actions of your company, it’s employees, management, shareholders, customers and suppliers. The Environmental Policy will be your company’s written statement of its commitment to the environment and to the continual improvement of environmental practices.

Why should my business have an Environmental Policy − the benefits A well written and thought out EP can have many rewards within your business − not just the obvious environmental benefits − it can help to reduce your overheads and ultimately boost your bottom line! Another benefit of the EP is that it could enhance your business’ image to customer and even new staff by demonstrating your commitment to environmental issues and your plan for reducing your business’ overall impact.

What should my Environmental Policy look like? This is where we can help − we have designed a template for you to download and amend so that it reflects your business’ culture and is relevant to your specific operational practices. When using our template keep in mind the following:

• Customise the template so that it is relevant to your business and its activities
• Make sure that it is realistic, achievable and specific to your business
• It should be endorsed by your Managing Director, CEO or President
• Keep the statement short − it should not exceed 1 page
• You may wish to detail specific objectives, goals and actions in a more detailed Action Plan.

Communication To ensure the successful implementation of your EP it needs to be applied across the business. Once you have completed the EP why not put it on the agenda of your team meeting and get input from a range of people in the company − this will help to engage them and secure their commitment to environmental improvement within the business. Remember that your staff have a significant impact on the day-to-day running of your business especially the use of resources and should therefore be encouraged to create positive change and thereby reduce the company’s overall impact.

Once your EP has been finalised hang it on the wall, put it on your website and promote it to your customers − don’t forget to regularly revisit it! You can download a copy of our Environmental Policy Statement Template from the Resources section of our website http://mselectronics.co.uk/support-resources/resources/.

Why not follow us on Twitter and keep us updated on your progress @mselec.