23 September 2013 | Design Construct & Exhibition Group Ltd

Company Logos on Charity Van

DCE is supporting two charities this year.

The Accelerator Appeal and the Stillbirth Foundation both of which are located within the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. These charities were chosen for support as they have particular relevance to staff − one whose parent benefited from MRI scans following the diagnosis of a brain tumour; and another who experienced the trauma of losing two babies as a result of stillbirth.

DCEs clients and suppliers have all been contacted with a request to support the charities. In acknowledgement of the resulting support, the businesses have added their company logos to the side of one of DCEs vehicles, which travels more than 25,000 miles annually across the UK and mainland Europe, for a year. So far, no fewer than 16 business have supported the charities and the initiative in this way.

The aim is to raise approximately £20,000 by the end of 2013. To date, more than £12,000 has been raised, if you would like to make a donation please email imogen@dcegroup.co.uk.