03 June 2014 | CE-TEK
Defibrillator Enclosures from CE-TEK
The saving of your life could be dependent on the speed and early action of a colleague or even someone who has never even set eyes on you before. Unfortunately too few of us are conversant with what action is required to save a life in an emergency and by the time the Ambulance arrives it may be too late.
With the increase in obesity, the high numbers of smokers and our ever growing ageing population in the UK it is important that early action to save a life is on hand immediately it is required.
Companies are becoming more aware of how important it is to protect and support their workforces, customers and visitors. Offices, factories, warehouses, public venues such as shopping centres, supermarkets, exhibition centres, gyms and fitness centres, football grounds, stadiums, schools, colleges & universities and airports in fact, anywhere where there is a gathering of or flow through of people need to provide the first stage of medical help until the medics arrive and can take over − these first minutes are so important to give the patient the best chance of survival.
It’s pointless having the First Aid tucked away where no one will see it, it has to be:
• Highly visible
• Easily recognised for what it is
• Easily accessible
High visibility robust Defibrillator cabinets are now available from CE-TEK UK
Made of powder coated mild steel
With clear procedural instructions
High security against tampering and vandalism
Pushbutton security avoids chasing around for a key holder
Custom options are available
Easily sited and secured without taking up much space.