03 October 2014 | Ronacrete Ltd
EcoPath enhances golf club at Enfield
RonaDeck EcoPath MT was used to provide a slip resistant surface for golfers waiting at the first tee at Enfield Golf Club.
The loose gravel waiting area next to the first tee at Enfield Golf Club was causing maintenance problems; the gravel was migrating to grassed areas and it became muddy and slippery in wet weather, a particular problem in the winter months. RonaDeck EcoPath MT was specified to provide a slip resistant, attractive, easily maintainable waiting area for golfers and spectators. The area also needed to be accessed safely so the design included a set of steps, surfaced with RonaDeck EcoPath MT, leading down to the tee.As its name suggests RonaDeck EcoPath MT is sustainable, with recycled rubber tyres being used to produce the rubber granules. It is also porous; applied to type 3 aggregate, the permeable construction is SuDS compliant. As well as helping the environment, this permeability prevents surface ponding, an important consideration for this project.
Ronacrete Approved Contractor Flintstone Solutions placed the vulcanised rubber granules and kiln dried aggregate into a clean, forced action mixer. The two parts of the RonaDeck EcoPath MT resin were mixed with a drill and helical mixing paddle attachment for 30-45 seconds. This resin was poured into the mixer and blended with the aggregate/rubber until it was evenly coated.
RonaDeck EcoPath MT was applied to the prepared base of compacted Type 3 aggregate, levelled and smoothed with a float. The surface was allowed to cure and was ready for foot traffic within 24 hours.
RonaDeck EcoPath provided a visually attractive and slip resistant surface for golfers and spectators to wait on while they watched the first shots being played.