FDB Online − recessed handles for cabinets

03 December 2014 | FDB Panel Fittings Ltd

Recessed handles now available from FDB Online

Recessed handles from FDB Panel Fittings for cabinets, cupboards, storage and luggage are now available online

The recent launch of FDB’s Online Store makes available a range of recessed handles for cabinets, cupboards, storage and luggage, and for specialist vehicles where the safety feature of a recessed handle is an important consideration.

The FDB Panel Fittings range online includes clip-in pull handles for simple sliding, or snap closure panels − up to flush fitting, paddle and recessed T handles in stainless steel, also slam latches for access panels or floor traps where corrosion resistance is important.

Recessed handles are now available from the FDB online store at www.fdbonline.co.uk. Further information on FDB products and services may be found at: www.fdb.co.uk. Find the latest information and news on the FDB blog − www.fdbnews.co.uk, or follow them on twitter: www.twitter.com/fdbpanelfitting - also see www.youtube.com/fdbpanelfittings.