19 January 2015 | Sec2 Security

Sec2 Security are very pleased to have kicked off the New Year with an order for its Independently Certified Audio Ballistic Cash Trays from a bank in Kiev

Sec2 were asked last year to supply a sample tray for local testing in Kiev in order to ensure that our product did exactly what it said on the tin! Not only was it shot at using weapons it was certified to resist but also with weapons and ammunition that exceeded our test certificate.

We are delighted to report that our product independently complies with not only our own BS EN 1522 FB4 & FSG standards but also the equivalent standards in the Ukraine.

The AP-38 Ballistic Audio Pass Tray is a one stop solution, providing a facility to pass documents, cash, or goods in a secure fashion from one side of a security screen to the other with full duplex speech and built in hearing loop!

As far as we are aware, our tray is the only one of its type that has an independent test certificate to this level, tested by a registered ballistic test house, rather than a self-tested product where the testing is possibly not as rigorous.

We are proud to say we designed and manufactured our product in Hertfordshire so it is truly
a “Made in Britain” product.