17 November 2008 | Make UK − Apprentices and Skills

Birmingham Company Transformed by Train to Gain Initiative

Nine team leaders employed by Frank Allart in Birmingham have been awarded their ILM Team Leader award (NVQ2) funded through the train to gain initiative.

The Team Leader course was delivered over a nine month period on site by staff from EEF’s Technology Centre based in South Birmingham. It involved short classroom sessions and company based projects to generate evidence required for the NVQ standards.

The company who design and manufacture architectural hardware in a variety of materials and finishes claim the course has led to vast improvements in their working practices.

The team leaders now organise, housekeeping, health and safety audits, and have introduced and maintained a job rotation scheme, which has led to a more flexible workforce. The company has also introduced regular team briefing sessions.

Nigel Fry, Production Manager at Frank Allart, added:

“In the nine months of running with this programme the company has moved significantly forward. There have been many changes in attitudes within groups and amongst individuals. The course resulted in issues being highlighted and resolved. It also led to greatly improved communication between departments.

“Absenteeism has been reduced, which has greatly improved production output and quality. We are not the same company we were nine months ago.”

Phillip Yates, one of the Team Leader candidates, said:

“At first we were all unsure about attempting this award but through the trainer/assessor from EEF’s Technology Centre, not only was it enjoyable but it has led to massive improvements to our business. It led to improvements in good housekeeping and quality of the products.  The factory is also much tidier and better organised.

“There is now good team working within the company, communications have improved and we share and sort out problems we have, as a group. On a personal note the programme and the way it was delivered has given me and the rest of the team new managerial skills and confidence.”

Jeff Matthews, Business Development Manager at EEF West Midland’s Technology Centre, said:

“New team leaders are often promoted due to their energy and workplace skills. These are not always what they need to tackle the new role with confidence. This course helps the new team leader to address the two fundamental concerns that most affect them, how will I win the team’s acceptance and how will I cope with the workload demands?

“The project based assessment approach allows the company to see benefits in doing the NVQ route. It serves many purposes from solving real company problems and issues to providing real evidence for the individual portfolio and national standards.  The individuals, departments and company also benefit from solving problems through the team working activities.”