Beauty by the cold

06 May 2015 | Cryosthetics

Beauty by the cold

CryoSkincare are proud to introduce the latest rejuvenation innovation in the beauty market.

Cryos™ is a hidden ice gem which is formulated in Switzerland and has been a celebrity secret until now. Cryos™ delivers outstanding results within minutes and has an instant effect which can last until the skin naturally regenerates. Cryos™ creates a youthful smooth appearance eliminating wrinkles and tightening the pores without parabens, alcohols, perfumes or even silicone.

The Cryos™ system is 100% natural and no machine is required. 8 strains of plant stem cells are used to regenerate your skin, combining its purities with freezing temperatures of - 20ºC.

Join the revolution in your salon/clinic - Packages start from as little at £795.95.

Call 0800 310 0421 to see our local representative and book your demonstration. Quote Guild2015 to redeem your special offer.