28 October 2015 | Witt Gas Techniques Ltd
Gas technology app now with inert gas advisor
"iGASES" answers your questions So helpful for so many gas applications: The latest version of the free "iGASES" app from Witt for Android and iOS now answers in more detail your questions on technical gases and their use.
To do this, multiple tools are integrated, such as a gas advisor, a gas lexicon, a unit converter and a flow rate calculator for gas safety equipment."It''s well worth the update. The first integrated inert gas advisor provides users with a recommendation for the appropriate gas composition. No matter whether for inert gas during welding for various welding methods and metals or a modified atmosphere for food packaging", is how Witt Marketing Manager Alexander Kampschulte explains the latest "iGASES" functionality.
The popular app also comes with a gas lexicon, which contains the most important properties and physical-chemical properties such as density, vapour pressure, flammability limits or thermal conductivity as well as safety information for numerous gases. Required values such as pressure, volume, flowrate, temperature, mass and other parameters can be converted to all important international units of measurement with the extra unit converter. The integrated flow rate calculator allows users to easily determine the right gas safety equipment for the design of technical gas systems with the help of the Cv value − irrespective of the manufacturer the equipment originates from.
The data sheets for the prescribed equipment can also be called up directly from the Witt website.
Another clever feature: the app establishes a direct email connection on request. This enables a personal response to your individual question from an expert at the Witt head office.
You can set either German or English as the language of use in the streamlined app optimised for tablets, while the data sheets can be read in numerous other languages. "iGASES" is available as a free download in the App Store and Android Market.
You can find out more about the manufacturer''s range at www.wittgas.com in the Internet.