26 January 2009 | Make UK − Apprentices and Skills
National quality mark equals national recognition for Technology Centre
Birmingham based organisation, EEF Technology Centre has been accredited with the nationally recognised quality mark for organisations that provide support to individuals to make learning and work more accessible − the matrix Standard.
EEF Technology Centre gained accreditation to the matrix Standard in under 2 months, during which time the organisation reinforced their already existing systems and processes.
A specialist Work Based Learning provider, EEF Technology Centre aims to help learners fulfil their potential and experience through an educational environment, which responds to individual needs and stimulates and challenges each and every learner.
EEF Technology Centre has over 500 clients and it wanted to ensure that these clients were receiving the best information, advice and guidance (IAG) possible. The organisation decided that the matrix Standard, amongst other things, would help it to reinforce their already existing systems and processes.
Commenting, Graham Cowan – Quality Manager said:
“EEF Technology Centre first found out about the matrix Standard in 2007 when senior managers at the centre signed a commitment to work towards the matrix Standard. Since signing that commitment we have gone through a number of changes in the way we work to embed the provision of IAG within the whole ethos of the centre. This has made us more focussed on our learners and better able to work with our partners in our Work Based Learning provision.”
EEF Technology Centre was established in 1999 and is based in Tyseley, Birmingham and offers Apprenticeship and Train To Gain programmes along with commercially available courses.
David Morgan, Director of Marketing and Communications at ENTO, the company responsible for maintaining and promoting the matrix Standard on behalf of the DIUS, said of the EEF Technology Centre’s achievement:
“This matrix Accreditation is another example of how the matrix Standard is proving effective for all types of organisations, helping EEF Technology Centre to provide a more professional service offering and to strive to be the best in their sector.”