09 September 2016 | The Printed Bag Shop
What makes printed bags such effective marketing tools?
They may be small, but printed bags are mighty too.
Printed bags are something we use so much in everyday life, that they are often overlooked or underestimated as valuable marketing tools − but the benefits they can bring to your business are huge.Here’s some reasons why we think printed bags give a great boost to your marketing:
They give you repeated brand exposure
The beauty of printed bags is that they showcase your brand not just to the person that’s purchased something from you, but everyone that goes on to walk past whilst they’re carrying it. It may be a small thing but even glimpsing a printed bag can unconsciously increase awareness of your brand.
And, in the day and age of a 5p carrier bag charge and more people than ever trying to reduce the amount of carrier bags they use, there is an increasing amount of customers that will continue to reuse your bags again and again.
Printed fabric bags are especially reusable, as are the non woven ‘bags for life’ option.
The more times your bags are reused, the more marketing bang you get for your buck, and the more return you’ll see on your investment.
They are fully customisable
With printed bags, you’re in complete control. From the material, to the size, colour, and actual artwork, you’re in charge every step of the way. Every single aspect of your bespoke printed bags can fully evoke your brand.
We offer such a wide range of printed bags and packaging so everything you need is in one place, and so you can create your very own branded variety of products to enhance your customer experience. We work hard to bring every one of our customer’s visions to life − whatever your budget, we can suggest a kind of bag to suit you and your brand.
Having total control over what your printed bags look like mean you can align them with your existing campaigns. You might be promoting an upcoming event, a big sale, or even have a hashtag that you want people to interact with − whatever it is, your printed bags can reflect it and make an ever bigger impact to your overall marketing strategy.
Everyone needs printed bags, and uses them
Chances are, if you have ever bought anything − you needed a carrier bag to get it home.
Even in the days of ‘bags for life’, people still need bags to transport their purchases, and you have an opportunity to make the most of this by giving your bags an extra branded touch.
Your customer doesn’t have to visit your website, or follow you on Twitter, or watch your TV advert − but they do need something to carry home anything they buy from you. Using printed bags as a marketing tool lets you get into customer’s hands, their homes, and their minds, and helps you leave a more lasting impression.
They are tangible
In such a digital age, a lot of the marketing we see is online − the customer can’t interact directly with it.
Printed bags are different − they’re tangible, a physical piece of your brand for them to take home and use over and over again. By giving your customers beautiful printed bags that are bespoke to their brand, you enhance their experience as well as giving them something physical to remember you by.
Have we convinced you? Request a quote for your printed bags today by emailing sales@theprintedbagshop.co.uk, or calling 0191 268 7555.