Case Study 1 - Low Inrush Transformers

06 October 2016 | Majestic Transformer Co

Case Study 1 - Low Inrush Transformers

We were approached by a client who was experiencing problems with inrush start up currents on conventional transformers.

On long cable runs these high inrush currents (typically 10 - 15 times the full load current of the transformer can be experienced) were causing excessive cable voltage drops and causing other equipment on the supply to drop out.

After some discussion with the client, it was decided that the options of offering some form of inrush suppression were not suitable in this instance and that a special design of transformer needed to be undertaken so that the transformer exhibited a special low inrush current characteristic.

This solution resulted in a slightly more expensive transformer but with no additional components to fail at some time down the line with all the associated costs of putting this right, it was decided to proceed with the custom design. Having now built a number of these units for use across the UK the customer is very satisfied with how the project was handled form start to finish and with the quality of the resulting product.