23 November 2016 | Aircon Direct for Cars

Safe Driving

To drive safely you need to be able to see through a completely clear glass screen or you risk the death or injury of your family in your car or those walking, driving or riding near your car.

On cooler days condensation can appear on the windscreen and other glassware making clear visibility impossible. Although directing the heating towards the windscreen will eventually clear the glass this will still give you several miles in which to kill someone whilst the car heating warms up. Obviously this is not good enough.

Firstly to drive safely you need to ensure before starting to drive that all the inner glass, especially the front screen, is extremely clean. A nice clean cloth and some elbow grease together with either a propriety glass cleaner or even a bit of spit should help prolong the life of your family members. But even though the glass is clean, some condensation can still appear.

Then, and this is most important, turn on the Demist button on the dashboard. If you cannot see a button for Demist then turn on the AC button and also turn on the Heater to full heat and direct the airflow towards the windscreen. If the AC is working correctly you will see the condensation disappearing from the screen almost like magic.

This procedure is also essential under foggy conditions. Probably the fog is exacerbated by mist collecting on the outside of the screen and made worse by condensation on the inside of the screen.

So windscreen wipers to interval wipe, AC and Heating both on full towards the windscreen and drive very carefully, do not drive too close to any car in front, leave yourself ample time to stop if the car in front makes an emergency stop. Use headlamps on dipped beams to give the best view ahead and also to warn other drivers that you are there.

For that reason alone do NOT drive just on sidelights in foggy conditions, especially on motorways.