Maidstone project

18 May 2017 | Wicksteed Leisure Ltd

Maidstone project

We have just completed Phase 1 of a huge project to design and install 33 play and recreation areas for Maidstone Council.

The first phase of 12 sites has been completed and phase 2 has now begun in earnest. The proposed work across the range of sites includes the refurbishing and improvement of existing play equipment (where possible), the installation of a variety of our latest play products, visually appealing new safety surfacing, seating and picnic areas and dynamic and intuitive landscaping − ideal for individual expression.

Delighted to be working with Maidstone Council, this is my biggest project − to date − since joining Wicksteed a few months ago. Equipment chosen will keep a wide range of ages and abilities happily engaged and entertained, including those aged over 14 who want to start (or sustain!) their fitness regime with our Fitness Legacy Zone units and all is on track to be completed by this autumn.

Two of the larger sites at Mallards Way and Queen Elizabeth Park are now complete and Clare Park will soon be finished, so I will be able to share photos across more of the sites in my next newsletter.