Jtech R&P Services offers Sliding Door Repair

06 December 2017 | Jtech R&P Services

Jtech R&P Services offers Sliding Door Repair

We are all aware that preventative maintenance is a good way to extend the life of your onsite equipment giving savings on initial capital investments.

Despite this however, there comes a time when a more in-depth intervention is required.

Jtech Services were asked to resolve one such situation with a sliding door problem that had been developing over a period of time.

Firstly the door was just stiff, but this was manageable
Secondly the door needed to be pulled closed, but still manageable
Thirdly it needed a two arm pull, now it was getting difficult
Then, quite quickly it needed to be lifted and dragged!
Eventually, although this was an entranceway into a stores area, it was just left open and Jtech Services were asked to resolve the problem. So the situation was assessed, components obtained and fitted, now all that was left was to see the results, which were?

Downtime on site was kept to a minimum as much of the preparatory works were undertaken away from the location. Re-Installation was completed when on site personnel had finished for the day and so proceeded safely for all concerned.

A straightforward problem was resolved in a straightforward way