12 April 2018 | Marken Chemicals Ltd

New Improved Welding Wipes with Long Shelf Life

Very high alcohol content 90%.

Okay that’s not new, but this high alcohol content can be a problem if the wipes are not packaged well. Whilst this 90% alcohol solution is excellent to ensure a joint is completely grease free and dry within seconds, it can also evaporate quickly within the tub, particularly when travelling and subjected to temperature changes.

The large wipes are enclosed in a laminated gas tight bag within a 3 litre dispensing bucket. The laminated gas tight bag whilst unopened provides a minimum shelf life of 3 years, and once opened will continue to help reduce the evaporation rate of alcohol from the wipes. This packaging is far more efficient than standard packaging, and is perfect in a situation where the wipes must travel and are subjected to significant temperature changes, or when bulk purchased and likely to be stored for a while.

In addition to the new improved packaging, the wiper roll is constructed in z-fold which enables easier dispensing of the wipes, reducing waste.

Our new improved packaging ensures;
  • No escaping alcohol fumes - safer when transporting and in storage.
  • Long shelf life - very unlikely to spoil unopened
  • Easy dispensing − speeds up application and less waste
  • These high content alcohol wipes are perfect for many tasks in addition to preparation for electrofusion welding.
  • Currently available in 3 litre a dispensing bucket, 150 large 280 x 280mm 32gsm white polyviscose wipes, packed 4 per case.
  • Large Welding Wipes with long shelf live

To purchase, or for more information, call Marken Chemicals Ltd. Tel: 0114 2697107

Email: info@markenchemicals.co.uk