15 May 2009 | Hanovia Ltd
Royal Russell School Chooses Hanovia UV Technology
One of Britain’s most prestigious independent schools, The Royal Russell in Croydon, has recently installed a Hanovia UV water disinfection system for its two indoor swimming pools and a 6-ton storage tank supplying the showers and other water-use points.
Disinfection of tank-stored service water prior to use is an established necessity so that dangerous pathogens, such as Legionella, can be controlled. However, the Royal Russell School required UV treatment for slightly different reasons to those of basic disinfection. The Schools'' Engineering and Buildings Manager felt that the pool water treatment system was no longer keeping up with greater bather loads, usage and higher user expectations. He therefore chose to pursue the “UV” route not only because Pool Chief Bob Ellis wanted the improved disinfection it offers, but also because of its primary advantages: no pool “chlorine smell”, no red eyes, lower running costs, and easier operation. The biggest target of all was to lower the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) levels, which the pool management felt were insufficiently controlled in the ”chemical only” pool system.
UV is well known for reducing both TDS levels and chloramines (also known as combined chlorines), the unpleasant chemicals formed when chlorine combines with the organic compounds deriving from human use of the water. Bathers dislike these combines which are also very corrosive of metal building structures. High TDS or chloramine levels often also mean cloudy murky water.
High levels of chloramines are a particular menace because they dictate that pool operators dose with very high levels of chlorine to exceed the chloramine level, a costly exercise, as is the consequent higher dosing with balancing chemicals. That, in turn, increases TDS problems. Chloramines also cause the notorious pool smell, sore eyes and rashes already discussed. As for excess free chlorine, modern, well informed parents are nervous of it, even if it is vital as a residual disinfection. Schools that are aware of these problems are therefore taking careful measures to eliminate them.
Eliminating chloramines means free chlorine levels can be dropped to 1.00 ppm or lower and backwashing (dilution) can be reduced, in some pools, by as much as 80%. If the total cost of heated pool water (as backwashed) is taken to be £3 per cubic metre, dilution and backwashing are very costly things if chloramines are not controlled. UV can reduce chloramines, in most cases, to 0.3ppm (or lower), from levels as high as 2.5ppm. And, as the Royal Russell experience shows, TDS levels fall also.
The Schools'' Pool Chief, Bob Ellis, reports that he is very satisfied with the Hanovia UV units which, he says, had performed exactly as planned. Water quality is of a very high order.