Fire Resistant Balcony Decking for Architects and Developers

04 March 2019 | Able Canopies Ltd

Fire Resistant Balcony Decking for Architects and Developers

I’d be very surprised if you haven’t heard about the recent tragedies that have sadly covered our news screens in recent years regarding fires in public and residential buildings including blocks of flats.

This has rightfully so lead to new regulations being set out by the governing bodies to increase the fire safety within such buildings, dramatically reducing the risk of future tragedies occurring.

The new regulations cover many materials and includes those used on balconies. We have therefore introduced the product that answers all of your balcony decking problems; Fire Resistant Balcony Decking.

Due to the new regulations, it is important that architects and developers ensure that the products they purchase for their projects, meet the required fire ratings to ensure the safety of the residents as well as the protection of their own company.

Our Fire Resistant Balcony Decking is made completely from aluminium and is covered with a hard wearing powder coating to allow us to colour the boards. They can also be supplied untreated, for a natural aluminium finish.

Fire Resistance:

The untreated aluminium decking boards have the best fire rating possible which is class A1. A class A1 fire rating is listed as having no contribution to fire.

The treated aluminium decking boards have the fire rating class A2L-s1, d0. A class A2 fire rating also states that the product causes no contribution to fire. The S1 means that the structural element may emit a very limited amount of combustion gases and the d0 means that burning droplets or particles must not be emitted from the structural element. This is the best possible A2 fire rating.

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