Boost-A-Break” − more powerful than ever!

07 August 2019 | Arrow Valves Ltd

Boost-A-Break” − more powerful than ever!

BOOST-A-BREAK: Model BTAB with break tank and pump set.

Fluid Category 5 protection with higher than before set pressure to help no matter what your application.

Our “Boost-A-Break” model break tank and pump set, with AB air gap for Fluid Category 5 now boosts higher than ever with our new additions to the range. Primarily for backflow protection, but now will the added ability to boost pressure to higher elevated areas or high-pressure applications.

All the new models are still light and compact and have the same exceptionally small footprint, for easy installation within any plant room.


The 1 litre/second model now goes up to 10 bar pressure, and the 2 litre/second model now goes up to 8 bar pressure. Look at the performance of the full range above and select the model for your project! Applications include washdown, healthcare water fittings (showers, dialysis machines) and laboratories… to name a few.