Learn to Fish Event promotes wildlife conservation to hundreds of children

13 August 2019 | Zycomm Electronics Ltd

Learn to Fish Event promotes wildlife conservation to hundreds of children

Non-Profit Organisation PCFWW hosted a fantastic day on the 4th August 2019.

The annual event held in Ashover, Derbyshire attracted hundreds of children supervised by parents and helped closely by stewards throughout the day. The idyllic location of Press Manor Fishing Lakes provided the perfect place for casting demonstrations, trout cooking and plenty of equipment provided. The event catered to all abilities and allowed fishermen to share the joys of fishing with their families and raise awareness of river and fishery conservation.

The day was off to a flying start with a lovely carp caught on the coarse lake

It Takes a Full Team

A huge range of organisations pulled together to make the event the success that it was from St Johns Ambulance for crucial first aid back up, officers from Derbyshire Police Wildlife Crime Unit, Bags for Life Tesco snack box provisions, car park navigation and of course the lovely organisers from PCFWW (Protecting Club Fishing Water & Wildlife).

Exceptional Radio Coverage

Keith Griffiths, main organiser of the event and active member of PCFWW observed the “exceptional coverage” of the walkie talkies which were being used from the carpark through to the secluded coarse lake. A fair walk, not that anyone could complain on a glorious August day like this one. Hytera radios were provided free of charge from Zycomm for the event.

“Having venue tested the Zycomm digital radios, I was amazed at the distance they operated over. The ease of use and sound clarity was superb, love the feature which informs you of channel selection. PCFWW really appreciate your kindness in loaning us these radios to use at our community event.

The Press Manor Fishing Lakes consists of 3 lakes: a well stocked 5.5 acre Trout Lake, 3.5 acre Carp Lake, and 3.5 acre mixed fish Coarse Lake.

Volunteers and organisers at the event

PCFWW are committed to preserving these beautiful areas around Derbyshire for many decades to come. Further fishing events will be planned and you can contact PCFWW through the website if you are interested in volunteering as a Steward. Zycomm can be contacted about event hire for the upcoming Autumn season.
