27 January 2020 | Dangerous Substance Control Ltd
Dangerous Substance Control Ltd, has now lauched a nationwide precision “Drone Inspection” service
To compliment our standard DSEAR, Fire and COMAH risk assessment, audit and survey services, Dangerous Substance Control Ltd, has now lauched a nationwide precision “Drone Inspection” service, both to assist in current audit evaluations and to bring yet further added value, to our report finding process.
Using a variety of 4 differing drone platforms, whether its an internal, or external application, the problems associated with flight, such restrictions on internal space, variable wind and even rain can be easily overcome.Then when fitted with a one of our sophisticated range of gimballed cameras, lenses and filters, the highest quality imagery, thermography, photography or videography can be easily achieved.
Safety First − Dangerous Substance Control Ltd has always put the safety of people first, employees, contractors and the public alike, and our drone operation is no different.
As with all aircraft, our Pilots are CAA Pfco trained, approved and registered. They work to strict risk assessment controls, and CAA permissions, such as maximum operational height of 120 metres (400 ft) over take off, and 500 metres (1600 ft) horizontally visual line of sight. Other airspace flight restriction may also be applicable, depending on the location.
For further safety, all of our drones are fitted with obstacle avoidance systems, and some with the latest
ADS-B technology, an onboard commercial “aircraft detection system” which immediately informs the drone operator of the approaching aircraft and vice-versa, giving precise location, flight path, distance, speed and altitude, in-addition to appropriate control warnings, allowing for ample time to land or reduce the drone altitude, to a safe distance.
Insurance - is provided appropriate to the risk matrix, with £10 million minimum Public Liability as standard, higher levels of insurance cover can be provided.
The application - Where applicable, a drone survey can bring a multitute of benefits which include:
The un-necessary expense of scaffolding, where inspections are required at height.
Production of a 3D model overview of a facility of site, helping to provide useful data to insurance companies, in respect to on-site hazards which may also pose risk to neibours, roads or the surrounding environment.
In contruction and building maintenance, whether it’s a new build project that requires progress monitoring or, a cutter, fragile roof or chimney inspection, each can be easily achieved quickly and easily with pinpoint GPS accuracy, coupled with the use of high magnification zoom lenses, without posing a risk to buildings or sensitive equipment.
The use of “Thermal Imaging” also has multiple benefits: such as the detection and evaluation of building heat loss, or solar energy inefficiencies. Indeed, anything that can be done to assist in the reduction of our collective global carbon footprint, helping to reduce global warming must be a benefit, not just for a Company’s profit and loss account, but to all, as occupants of this fragile plant.
The effects of global warming are clear, and even here, the flexibility and agility of a drone can be used to provide vital information about rising flood waters, helping to reduce the risk to live stock and property.
Checkout our new concise and easy to use website − www.dsc-ltd.co.uk
Email sales@dsc-ltd.co.uk or Telephone - 01952 947682
See what we can offer you in respect to DSEAR, Fire and COMAH,
Training Courses − Awareness, 1, 2, 3 and 5 day modules.
DSEAR - 1 day March 3rd
DSEAR - 2 day - Gas Module - April 24-26th
DSEAR - 3 day − Risk Assessors Course - March 24-26th
Auditing and Inspections − DSEAR, Fire, COMAH.
DSEAR Design Consultancy - Standards, Atex Specifications, MSDS Analysis
Aerial Surveys - Photography, Thermographics, Videography
Gas Detection
All VOC’s - Hydrogen, Acetone, Toluene, Xylene, Methane Carbon Monoxide
Toxics − Chlorine, Ammonia, Sulphur Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Dioxide