Pedestrian Safety Barriers in Factories

06 February 2020 | Advantage Safety Barriers

Pedestrian Safety Barriers in Factories

The health and safety aspects required to be adhered to in factories are stringent. Today we are discussing how pedestrian safety barriers can increase security measures for employees, vehicles, products and more.

As the name suggests, pedestrian safety barriers help in protecting against danger between stock, machinery, vehicles and racking and factory workers. Working as an additional layer of security team members are certain to feel safer whilst always alert to potential hazards.

How do barriers help protect factory stock?

Factories are able to store much more when stacking vertically as opposed to horizontally. Stacking vertically automatically increases the chances of a potential accident. Pedestrian safety barriers immediately tell vehicle drivers that employees are likely to be on the factory floor. The avoidance of a collision using this measure means a significant money saving through the avoidance of an accident.

How will a safety barrier keep vehicles protected?

Unfortunately, sometimes collisions and accidents do occur and are simply unavoidable. The job of safety barriers is to minimise damage. Upon contact with steel barriers the shock to a vehicle is enough to cause extensive damage, even writing it off. Pedestrian safety barriers are built with flexibility at the forefront of their design. Upon impact, whilst causing a disturbance, end results should not be as catastrophic.

Ensuring Maximum Pedestrian Security

One of the main security features of pedestrian safety barriers in factories is keeping workers safe. Factories are often bustling with activity, home to busy workers walking many miles each day within the workplace setting. Imperative for concentration to be at its highest all day, additional safety measures such as barriers provide help with all-round awareness. Implementing barriers of this nature also set a precedent to factory workers whilst showing the importance of their safety from a company perspective.

How do safety barriers protect factory racking?

We’ve previously mentioned how many factories stock products vertically and in some instances from floor to ceiling. This results in employees needing to work at height which comes with its own set of health and safety measures. Should the worst happen and racking manages to come away from the wall, whilst it may topple, a safety barrier helps to keep the accident contained in a single area. Without safety barriers the results replicate the domino effect with every single stack in potential danger of falling and causing injury and damage.

When it comes to the health and safety of factory workers, there’s no such thing as too much security. Pedestrian safety barriers are ideal for maximum protection and will save money in the long term.