Peter''s Peak District challenge walk for Parkinson''s

10 March 2020 | Peak Sensors Ltd

Peter''s Peak District challenge walk for Parkinson''s

Peter Smith, Founder and Director of Peak Sensors, is embarking on an incredible challenge this July 2020 and is walking 50km for the charity Parkinson’s UK.

Peter is part of a team, the Parky Plodders, made up of therapists, people living with Parkinson’s, husbands, wives, friends and others.

Peter's 50km Walk for Parkinson's - Peak District Challenge

Peter has decided to undertake the 50km Peak District Challenge, starting and finishing in Bakewell, on Saturday 4th July 2020 to raise money for a cause very close to his heart while really testing himself. Peter has Parkinson’s, he was diagnosed in 2012 and 8 years on is now trying to walk further in a day than he has ever done before. Peter is an incredible inspiration not only for taking on this challenge but for his everyday approach to living with Parkinson’s.

The Peak Sensors team are very proud of Peter and are supporting him all the way to the finish line.

To show your support and to get behind this incredible challenge and cause follow the link below to Peter’s sponsorship page.