04 May 2020 | Advantage Safety Barriers
Providing Safety Barriers During Worldwide Lock Down
Without doubt, COVID-19 is the single biggest pan-society issue to hit in a long time.
Unlike other problems in recent years, this virus does not discriminate. It does not care how much you earn per annum, or what you do for a living. It does not care how many houses you own. All it cares about is that you could be a carrier, and thus it will use you to ensure it can exist and thrive for as long as possible.That’s why social distancing during COVID-19 has become such an essential part of the argument. At Advantage, we’ve been producing and delivering even more safety barriers during lockdown.
Many companies, such as supermarkets, banking facilities, hospitals and other key industries, are still able to continue running successfully thanks to these issues being handled carefully. We know it’s vital that there is a humane approach to handling the issue of lockdown, which is why our pedestrian safety barriers are useful.
They are a fantastic visual cue for letting people know where they should and should not be. And with the right choice of barrier, it can be the difference between someone avoiding the illness or picking it up.
That’s why at Advantage we are very proud of the work we are doing. We have been helping out various industries to help keep things flowing as smoothly as they can. While things are likely going to be in a tight and tough place for a long time to come, we all knew this when the virus first arrived. That’s why we are happy to provide safety barriers wherever required. By making sure we can give an extra layer of protection during such a vital time, Advantage is proud to play its part.
Are chain barriers useful during lockdown?
Absolutely! At Advantage we have found ourselves using chain stand sets and chain posts regularly. The easily spotted nature of such a chain ensures that people don’t flout the rules so much. It also ensures that it provides a visually clear breaking point for when you should and should not be crossing to the next lane/aisle.
While we use these chain barriers in various outdoor and indoor facilities at present, we know they provide a great visual aid. It’s now much easier for you to walk through the local area and know exactly what you are dealing with, all thanks to our safety barriers. At Advantage, our aim is simple; to make sure that all of our pedestrian safety barriers can be used to help encourage lockdown.
Like the rest of you, we don’t enjoy being part of lockdown much either. However, we’re proud to be able to help the local community and further afield with our safety-conscious solutions. We believe the right approach here is one of diligence, vigilance, and without taking risks.
If you need help in enforcing or improving social distancing wherever you are, contact us today to discuss what we can do for you.