Todd Research Ltd − TR-Thermoscan

02 July 2020 | Todd Research Ltd

Todd Research Ltd − TR-Thermoscan

Todd Research are delighted to announce the launch of the TR-Thermoscan.

The TR-THERMOSCAN is a non-contact wrist temperature measurement device, designed to measure human body temperature, in less than a second without any touch.

This intelligent terminal can stop the spread of viruses such as COVID-19 by raising an alarm when an abnormal temperature is detected, allowing operators to intervene when this happens.

The usability of this terminal couldn't be easier. Users simply place their wrist 1-2.Scm away from the wrist temperature reader to have their body temperature scanned. Once placed in position, the reader will calculate the human body temperature using intelligent non-contact measurement software with an accuracy of 99.7%.

The fever screening terminals come pre-programmed with UK voice commands, which improves accessibility and usability for users operating the terminal. The intelligent advanced wrist scanner is great for placement at entrances to premises, such as restaurants, offices, schools, airports & hospitals.

Key Features

Rapid deployment and easy to use, the temperature can be measured on the wrist, real-time statistics and display the number of alarm temperature measurement
  • Temperature measurement distance: 1-2.Scm
  • Non-contact detection to avoid cross-infection
  • Alarm temperature can be set manually, voice alarm will be triggered when detecting abnormal temperature