Working hard to support our customers

19 July 2020 | Lotus Care Technology

Working hard to support our customers

Lotus Care Technology is still working hard for you and will continue supporting our customers, during what are Unusual times.

As the care sector faces the biggest and most unprecedented challenge this country has seen in decades.

We aim to provide you with our diverse range of products and services every care home needs at some stage, to enable you to continue to provide the service you do! Please use this code for 10% off all fall saving devices SUPPORT10 use the code online or via the phone:

01822 613258 / 0800 8499 121

We would like to update you on our service levels during the present Covid-19 situation. Lotus is an ever growing efficient business and is adaptable during these challenging periods. We are operating and working hard to get your needed goods out for despatch.

Both phone and email will monitored for orders and enquires but, if there is no answer please use our answer phone system or feel free to drop us an email at we thank you for your support.

We have good stocks of our Alert Mats and support products and we will endeavour to meet all of your requirements. We are working with all our suppliers to ensure that we will be able to support you our customers in the safest way possible. We are complying with all government safety, hygiene and self-distancing regulations to ensure the continued wellbeing of our staff.

Please can this information be passed along to all relevant parties in your business.

We are here to work in partnership with you, our customers, throughout these challenging times. We can get through this if we all work together and we once again thank you for your support. Keep safe and take care.