Expandakabin during construction

31 July 2009 | Extraspace Industries Ltd

How do you get a building into previously inaccessible areas?

Extraspace Expanda buildings offer a new solution to an old problem.

The flat-pack building sector has enjoyed rapid growth over the past 2 years. This newly created market was in no small part, created by the launch of the ''Expanda'' range. This low cost ''off the shelf'' product range has opened up numerous new markets for its creators at Extraspace Industries.

So how do you get a building into previously inaccessable areas? Expanda buildings are the new low cost answer to that problem. Each component is light enough to be man handled and small enough to fit through small passageways. No need for cranes, forklifts or specialist tools. Just a socket set - and you''re away!

Once assembled, they can be lifted from their lifting eyes and relocated intact, or demounted back into their neat flat-pack form for storage until they are needed again. ExpandaStore, Expandakabin and Expandachem can be linked to another Expanda unit to form larger buildings at any time, quickly and simply.

Extraspace also stock individual components too, so if a building is damaged on site, any replacement panel can be quickly dispatched to repair the problem. No other portable buildings offer so much in terms of adaptability, availability and low cost.