19 March 2021 | GoEducation Ltd
The impact of travel bans and locked down areas is completely elusive
It deeply effects the global economy and our daily lives both personal and professional.
From a business perspective, meeting your business relations in real life is in most cases impossible at this moment. Many meetings are cancelled and securing the continuity of your business is challenging. Working from home, remote meetings, remote collaboration and keeping the human connection via Video Conference now becomes more important than ever before.We at Go Education are featuring the All In-One Video Conference Solution with the MIRA Interactive Touch Screen.
The Mira brings built in camera, built in 4 MIC array with Optically bonded writing experience to offer you and your client the best in collaboration with Video experience. We offer an optional 4K camera that sits on the top neatly so think of the lower camera as the HUDDLE cam and the top camera as the ROOM cam.
Book your on-line demo new by calling us on 020 8795 3882 or email us at sales@goeducation.co.uk
Visit Our Website for featured products for Video Conferencing solutions.