13 April 2021 | KeysPlease

What is the simplest way to ensure that every lock has a key? No matter what.

As your colleagues start returning to work after lockdown do you find that you are missing keys for pedestals, filing cabinets and staff lockers?

This needn’t be a problem − just tell KEYSPLEASE the reference stamped on the lockface and we can send you replacement keys in the post. Simple, quick and socially safe.

We also have a promotion on at the moment so you can obtain keys from as little as £1.79 using promotion code BFK21.

Easy to order online, just type the numbers on our website to order direct, or call/email any time and we will be happy to help.

We can also, if you wish, supply new locks and even new lockers as well. Please call for more details.

I hope we can ensure that you are no longer locked out after lockdown and look forward to hearing from you soon to replace all those lost keys.