Take 5 for Safety, part of the Amey Zero Code

18 October 2021 | Ultravalve Ltd

Take 5 for Safety, part of the Amey Zero Code

Take 5 for Safety is a simple concept which is used to deliver Zero Code.

Its aim is to ensure everyone routinely considers safety in everything they do.

The mission is to ensure everyone returns home fit, well and uninjured at the end of every day. What YOU and your colleagues do at work will determine if this happens.

Briefing Instructions
The ‘Take 5 for Safety’ campaign has been in operation since November 2020, asking you to ensure that you consider safety and wellbeing throughout the lifecycle of a task and STOP and Take 5 if you are not comfortable or if you see or hear something that doesn’t feel safe.

This month’s focus is dedicated to driving at work and asking yourself if you are using all the Take 5 for Safety component parts and ‘Staying Alert’. Commuting to and from work is part of your road safety journey. Most serious risks involve people, static objects or other vehicles and may result in Road Traffic Incidents (RTIs) that can lead to serious physical injury, mental health harm or even death.

Let’s remind ourselves of the four pillars of the Zero Code:

Ready to go?

• I will attend work, drive vehicles and operate equipment knowing that I am fit and well

• I will always make sure risks have been assessed and that I understand them

• I am clear on what my role is and the value I add to my team

Kitted out?

• I will only use the tools and equipment provided and approved for the task

• I will only carry out tasks that I am trained and competent to do

• I will always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment for the job

Stick to the plan!

• I will make sure I know and understand the plan

• I will always check that I am following processes and safe systems of work

• If things change I will re-assess and only start work again when it is safe to do so

Stay alert!

• I will always make sure I am in the safest working position

• I will remain alert to what is happening around me and react accordingly to stay safe

• I will ‘Shout Out!’ if anything is unacceptable, to keep myself and others around me safe