How is your business planning to achieve net zero carbon?

27 January 2022 | Colin Lillicrap Associates Ltd

How is your business planning to achieve net zero carbon?

All businesses, large and small, are coming under increasing pressure to state how they are planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to reducing climate change.

Government has introduced green taxes but also tax incentives and grants to encourage companies to adopt low carbon technologies particularly for space heating and transport. Investors and customers now expect companies to reduce emissions and avoid waste. Colin Lillicrap Associates can help your business meet this challenge.

Energy Audits and Decarbonising Strategies
In order to plan how to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 it is essential to identify all sources of emissions arising from the business activities. Colin Lillicrap Associates specialises in comprehensive energy audits from which we calculate the total greenhouse gas emissions in tonne CO2 equivalent. We advise on good practice measures to immediately reduce energy consumption and hence reduce running costs and emissions. We then work with the business to develop a long term plan to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. This will require the phasing out of fossil fuels to be replaced with alternative electrical technologies. Then as electricity generation is increasingly decarbonised the company’s emissions will fall. The government is promoting heat pumps as an alternative to gas for space heating and electric vehicles to replace petrol and diesel vehicles. It is essential to plan ahead and keep abreast of legislation and grant schemes to ensure the company invests in the right technologies in a timely manner. Colin Lillicrap Associates has been working with businesses since 2014 to develop decarbonisation strategies.

Environmental reporting
The Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requires large organisations to report their total greenhouse gas emissions in their annual report. Colin Lillicrap Associates has developed a template to quickly calculate a company’s total emissions and provide all the information required to comply.
The Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) requires large companies to carry out an energy audit on a four year cycle. ESOS is currently in phase three with a deadline of 5 December 2023 for reporting to the Environment Agency. The government is currently consulting on improvements to ESOS including a net zero assessment. It is likely that qualification thresholds will be aligned with SECR with longer term plans to extend the scope of ESOS to medium sized businesses.

Colin Lillicrap Associates adopts a common approach to processing the data for SECR and ESOS enabling companies to comply with both as minimal cost.
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