06 September 2022 | Peak Sensors Ltd

Peak Sensors Announces Its International Expansion In Mexico

Chesterfield, 1st September 2022: Peak Sensors Limited specialising in temperature sensor manufacturing, announced today in front of local media its intention to further expand internationally in Mexico.

After 25 years of offering a large range of high-quality noble and base metal thermocouples and RTD sensors applicable to glass, cement and ceramic manufacturing industries, the firm has successfully formed a key strategic partnership with a global agent in Mexico.

Peak Sensors will work in conjunction with Interglass Inc, to capture more of the Mexican glass market. “Since 2017, Peak Sensors, has experienced a good compound annual growth rate of more than 14%”, said Dr Roshan Aucklah, MD of Peak Sensors. “This partnership with Interglass will bring us a lot more international exposure which will accelerate Peak Sensors’ growth.”

About Peak Sensors Limited
Founded by Peter Smith in 1997, Peak Sensors is dedicated to manufacturing thermocouples and resistance thermometers. Unlike their competitors who make many types of sensors such as flow, pressure or strain, they focus solely on temperature sensor manufacture and supplying related temperature sensor components. They also offer a range of allied services including thermocouple calibration and platinum recycling. Twitter: @PeakSensors Facebook: @Peak Sensors Limited LinkedIn: Peak Sensors Limited https://peaksensors.co.uk/