How branding your staff uniform will benefit your employees

21 March 2023 | PPG Workwear

How branding your staff uniform will benefit your employees

In this article we will be discussing key insights into how the branded staff uniform came about and why it is proving to be a form of enrichment for employees who wear it.

When was staff workwear first introduced?
In wider terms, uniform as a verb is defined by the Oxford dictionary as a form of “distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organisation”, in basic terms this can be related to a sense of togetherness.

This was first demonstrated in liveries which were handed out to servants in European courts during the early modern period of the 1500’s to the 1800’s. Personalisation of uniforms came about even then with colours, form and decorations determining who’s servant belonged to who. These differences also became known as a type of social ranking for the master in terms of ambition and financial hierarchy - masters also wore badges to further outline this status and occupation.

Badges were also worn by messengers (postal workers) who wore them on their chest or cap - these badges illustrated the city or noble court they worked for/within.

Another key example of a uniform which has served the test of time includes military uniforms which are still highly recognisable to this day, with crucial khaki designs helping soldiers to camouflage on the field of duty. This everlasting power of the badge is key to the military’s ranking system worldwide and makes every single serving individual identifiable - working to keep members of the public feeling safe.

Why is a branded staff uniform important?
Nowadays, the aim of having a uniform for work is to unite members of staff, helping them to feel a part of something great. There are also practical reasons such as making members of staff easily recognisable to consumers who may need to address them, this is why branding is important. Uniforms can also signify specific job roles within the structure of a sector, company and team.

An example of this is warehouse operatives having to wear safety clothes and equipment to help them avoid injuries and office personnel having to wear formal attire to help them look professional in client facing roles.

Badges in particular have not lost their place in the modern world, particularly in supermarkets where employees are required to place a name to their otherwise anonymous face by wearing a name badge on their chest or lanyard. This familiarity increases ‘brand recall’ for companies - which is in simple terms, is a qualitative measure of a consumer's ability to remember a name of a brand when pointed to something associated with it.

How will a branded staff uniform benefit your employees
Ever wondered if these branded staff uniforms are not only benefiting your company, but also your employees? Recent research has shown that personalised staff workwear can help boost your employee satisfaction in a number of ways, these will be discussed below.

A staff uniform helps to boost employee confidence
The branding on an employee's uniform, either through a badge or embroidered logo makes an employee feel visible, helping to increase the security they feel in store or even out and about, this added confidence can lead to valuable satisfaction and higher productivity at work.

To ensure this the uniform, must fit, feel comfortable and be practical for the job. This is particularly important in customer-facing jobs. This is due to a number of studies showing the negative impact amongst hospitality staff when their uniform fits incorrectly - with this decreasing confidence.

To prevent this, could you get your employees involved with the type of staff uniform you choose? Or the personalised branding you are thinking of implementing?

Increased employee credibility
Branded work uniforms can boost an employees credibility to the working environment, as they can help to demonstrate who an employee works for, which can in turn ease customer concerns.

This can help to make members of staff feel comfortable as they don’t have to spend time explaining who they are; reducing pressure and giving them valuable time to do the task at hand.

Equality in the workforce
As a staff uniform is associated with unity, our mind subconsciously sees other employees wearing the same uniform as part of their ‘group’. This links to improved relationships between employees and boosts teamwork. This teamwork creates a cohesive working environment as the team upholds the brand reputation together.

These positive and friendly relationships can make your business a more welcoming place to work as according to a recent study, 56% of workers are happier when they collaborate.

Work mentality
Wearing a staff uniform can help to separate work-life from personal-life. Recent research has shown that when employees set this clear boundary, they are less likely to experience conflict between the two; giving themselves time to give both lives attention; switching off one to concentrate on the other.

In the long-run putting on a uniform in the morning can help prepare employees for the day ahead; helping them to feel recuperated and refreshed.

Decreased time getting ready
Did you know? A recent study has found that UK employees spend on average 286 hours getting ready in the morning each year. This works out to 11.9 days per year.

A contributing factor to this is choosing what to wear - having a specific branded uniform to wear in a morning reduces this time spent getting ready and removes the stress of having to choose an outfit in the morning.

Although this just seems like a small change to an individual's routine, it can be the difference of being early or late to work.

A sustainable, cheaper difference
Financial planner Pete Dunn advises that employees spend 5% of their take-home pay on clothing, but with rising costs many of us are spending much more. Having a work uniform reduces this temptation to buy more clothes; not only is this good for employees' bank accounts, but it is also helping the environment as the fashion industry produces 10% of all humanity’s carbon emissions and is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply.

How we can help
At PPG Workwear our main aim is keeping businesses and employees happy and comfortable throughout the working day. All our garments are of excellent quality, with organic options readily available for the companies looking out for not only their employees, but also the environment.

We also provide an affordable, yet high quality embroidery service where you can ensure your workforce experiences the benefits noted in this article.

Have any other questions? Don’t forget to contact our friendly team.