23 March 2023 | Kings Plastics Ltd
Kings Signage working with Ellie Extensions to create their NEW luxury HQ open 2023!
Here at Kings Signage & Plastics we have manufactured internal & external signage for Ellie Extensions luxury HQ in Bristol.
Creating an eye-catching pink shopfront signage with gold mirror stainless steel illuminated lettering − that really has the wow factor, reception edgelit sign, internal LED flexi neon signage ‘You’re like really pretty’ & bespoke hair board displays.
This salon really is a unique place of beauty opening with a seated coffee & prosecco bar, two make up stations as well as four hair stylist stations and the much-awaited training academy Ellie Extensions offers.
This is the place to visit for all your beauty requirements!
We have loved working with Ellie from start to finish working on designs & manufacturing them here at our Bristol factory. Two Bristol based companies coming together with their expertise to create an eye catching brand. We can’t wait to see this place in action!