Rockbond Lightweight Mortar

12 April 2023 | Rockbond SCP Ltd

Rockbond Lightweight Mortar

Rockbond Lightweight Mortar (RB LWM) powder is premixed and ready to use. It consists of a blend of cement powders, graded lightweight aggregates and a union of admixtures.

The compound, when mixed with water, produces a lightweight, thixotropic, non flow, non slump, quick set, fibre reinforced, polymer modified mortar, which is easily mixed, worked and placed. The mortar is specially designed to repair soffit concrete, and to fill large volume voids. The powder is packaged in 25kg moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of 5 years.

  • Portland cement based, acrylic resin modified, microsilica enhanced and fibre reinforced.
  • Can be trowelled, floated, sprayed or placed by hand.
  • The material is thixotropic: it liquefies when worked, and gels and stiffens once in place.
  • The mortar, "goes off" as "you go".
  • Thick sections can be built up on vertical and soffit surfaces in one application.
  • Early strength gain reduces time on site waiting for the material to "go off".
  • Can be designed and produced to give mortars with densities of 1000kg/m3 to 2000kg/m3.
  • Excellent insulator, and a poor conductor of heat and sound.
  • Fire resistant, non combustible and will not give off toxic gases.
  • High build and high yielding: 1.300 tonnes yields 1m3 of mixed mortar.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.
  • In high build situations for use in one application:
  • 60mm or more on soffit surfaces, 75mm or more on vertical surfaces.
  • Whenever a light weight, non flow material is required.
  • Light weight, low density repairs to cementitious materials, concrete, masonry,
  • bricks and blocks.
  • For use as a large volume void filler.
  • To thermally insulate buildings, walls, pipes and ducts.

ROCKBOND LIGHTWEIGHT MORTAR powder is mixed with water using a ROCKBOND CONCRETE STIRRER (RB CS), a pneumatic or electric power tool (1kW) and a ROCKBOND 25 LITRE MIXING CONTAINER (RB 25LMC). Use a ROCKBOND FORCED ACTION PAN MIXER (RB FAPM) to mix larger amounts of material.

Add 11.0 litres of water to the container or mixer.
Pour 25kg of powder onto the water while mixing slowly.
After all the powder has been added, mix for 30 seconds.
The mortar is now ready for use.

Alternatively, small amounts of the material can be prepared by slowly adding the powder to a quantity of water and mixing to the appropriate consistency.



Careful and proper preparation of the concrete or brick substrate is essential if a successful application is to be carried out.

Thoroughly and completely abrade the surface where necessary to produce a sound substrate with a good mechanical key. All traces of contamination must be removed. Blow away any dust and debris

If steel reinforcing is present, and if there is a high degree of chemical attack, apply ROCKBOND STEEL PRIMER (RB SP) to the steel reinforcing.

On weak, friable or porous substrates, use ROCKBOND PRIMER LATEX (RB PL) to penetrate, consolidate, strengthen and seal the surface. With a brush or a soft broom, brush the latex completely and evenly over the surface. Work the latex well into the substrate. Let the latex dry out, usually 15 to 20 minutes depending on conditions.
  • To prime the substrate and to enhance the bond, apply a second coat of the latex to the first coat.
  • Normally, 1 litre of the ROCKBOND PRIMER LATEX will treat 5m² of concrete surface with a two
  • coat application. Substrate surfaces without the use of the Primer Latex should be wet.
  • To obtain a good high build performance, and to prevent peeling and slumping on concrete
  • surfaces, form a CONTACT COAT: rub and work the mortar well into the substrate with a gloved
  • hand. RUB IT IN! Completely coat the concrete or brick with a thin section of mortar
  • (100% contact is 100% bond).Add further amounts of the mortar to the contact coat, compact into place, and bring the material up to the level of the surrounding concrete.

Spray ROCKBOND PRIMER LATEX onto the surface of the mortar. Use a steel float to close and seal any pores, and to produce a smooth and attractive finish.

Once the material is in place and has gained sufficient strength, apply ROCKBOND CURE (RB C) at the rate of 10m²/litre. During adverse curing conditions, repeat the procedure.

TYPICAL DATA at 44% water/powder ratio at 20ºC
CONSISTENCY: Good mortar
DENSITY: 1500kg/m³
1 7 28 Days
10 20 30 MPa
YIELD: 25kg of powder yields 19.25 litres of Lightweight Mortar.
1m³ of Lightweight Mortar requires 1.300 tonnes of powder.



ROCKBOND LIGHTWEIGHT MORTAR powder is non toxic and safe to use. However, use the same precautions as with any cementitious product: wear goggles, protective clothing and a dust mask while mixing and applying the material. Consult the relevant MSDS for further details. Store in a cool, dry, dark place.


Should you require further information on this product, or details of other ROCKBOND SPECIAL CONCRETE PRODUCTS, then please do contact our Technical Department


ROCKBOND SCP LTD provides the above information in good faith and without warranty. The data represents typical values which can be updated at any time, and this information supersedes previous issues. No liability can be accepted for any damage or loss arising from the use of ROCKBOND SCP LTD literature or its products, because the company has no continuous control on how the products are mixed, placed or cured.