14 April 2023 | WDB Ltd
What is Dynamic Balancing?
Dynamic balancing, simply put, is a method through which we balance the moving parts of a machine, or piece of industrial machinery.
To do this, we rotate these parts at high speeds in order to gain a measurement of the imbalance within each individual rotating component.Why is the balancing of rotating components necessary?
All rotating machinery, due to dynamic forces exerted on supporting components, requires balancing. Vibration will always be part of any machine that rotates, and some vibration levels can be acceptable. Instead of trying to get rid of all vibration, achieving machinery balance as far as possible is what we aim for. Reducing excessive vibration through dynamic balancing ensures the machine is running smoothly, preventing premature system failure.
What are the main benefits of balancing?
Balancing your machinery, whether it’s static or dynamic, is key to eliminating common performance problems including excessive vibration, noise, heat, wear and tear of bearings and structural damage. Eliminating these will consequently extend your machinery’s lifespan, improve accuracy, avoid premature system failure, and unexpected downtime and ultimately save you money.
What types of machinery and industries benefit from balancing services?
Without exception, all rotating machinery benefits from balancing services including centrifugal fans, electric drive motors, machine spindles (CNC machining center), machine tools, print rollers and agricultural rotating machinery. Industries include aerospace, motorsport, processing, waste processing and management, energy generation and agriculture.
What else can cause vibration in machinery?
Unbalance is not the only cause of vibration and if you’ve had your machine balanced and it’s still suffering from excessive vibration, it could be down to a number of reasons. This can include (but isn’t limited to) shaft misalignment, worn bearings, loose structure, a bent, worn or damaged shaft, resonance or electrical frequencies. If your machinery has been balanced but is suffering from excessive vibration, this is where we would recommend vibration analysis to identify and pinpoint the cause of vibration in order to take remedial action.
At WDB Ltd, we can balance any rotating part from just a few grams to 30 tonnes using both horizontal (max. 4.5m dia x 8.5m long) and vertical (max. 1000kg, 1.5m dia) balancing machines.