05 May 2023 | Scafftag
How to handle chemical hazards?
Chemical hazards in industries can cause serious harm to workers and the environment. To prevent these hazards, it is essential to have visual warnings and inspection recording in place.
Visual warnings, such as labels, signs, and placards, can alert workers to the presence of hazardous chemicals and inform them of the proper precautions to take. Inspection recording allows for regular monitoring of the workplace and can help identify any potential hazards before they become a problem.Additionally, inspection recording can provide a record of the steps taken to mitigate hazards, which can help employers to demonstrate compliance with regulations and ensure the safety of their employees. Overall, visual warnings and inspection recording are key tools in preventing chemical hazards in industries and protecting the health and safety of workers.
Hazardous substances:
- Substances used directly in work activities such as adhesives, paints and cleaning agents
- Substances generated during work activities such as fumes from soldering and welding
- Naturally occurring substances such as grain dust
- Biological agents such as bacteria and other micro-organisms
The control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) regulations 2002 specifically requires employers to:
- Assess the risks to health from hazardous substances used in or created by your workplace activities. Decide what precautions are needed. If you have five or more employees you must make and keep a record of the main findings of the assessment, either in writing or on computer
- Prevent or adequately control exposure
- Ensure that control systems used are maintained properly and that safety procedures are followed
- Monitor the exposure of employees to hazardous substances
- Carry out appropriate health surveillance where your assessment has shown this is necessary or where COSHH sets specific requirements
- Prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies involving hazardous substances
- Ensure employees have suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision
- Scaffile 6x6: Place visual warnings systems at the point of use. Identify and control hazardous substances
- Permit Wallets: Provides ultimate protection and ease of viewing of permits / documents at the point of use.
- chemical hazard inspection tagging systems: A complete hazardous substance status tagging system to help prevent accidents and efficiently manage inspection procedures.
- SafeTrak Inspection Software: Recording details of inspections and testing results