25 July 2023 | Messagemaker Displays Ltd
20 MPH speed limit reduction zones
Why 20mph Speed Limit Zones are being Implemented
In the event that a vehicle travelling at a speed of 30mph hits a pedestrian, there is a one-in-five chance that the pedestrian will be killed.A crash at 30mph involves around twice as much destructive potential as a crash at 20mph.
From 17 September 2023, Wales is introducing a default 20mph speed limit on restricted roads. They are the first UK country to implement legislation to have a default 20mph speed limit on roads used by cars, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Benefits of switching to a 20mph Speed Limit
− Reduce the chances of mortality and injury in the event of a collision between vehicles and vulnerable road users.
− Make streets safer for residents and business owners, allowing them to walk and cycle more freely.
− Reduces noise and air pollution.
Stocksigns solutions for 20mph zone reduction
Urban 20/30/40
The Urban Vehicle Activated Speed sign is capable of displaying either a 20 or 30mph reminder coupled with a large “SLOW DOWN” message in white LEDs. It is a simple and cost-effective traffic monitoring device to aid in the reduction of road accidents whilst ensuring public safety.
This sign conforms to TSRGD for UK Highways Compliance and uses energy-efficient technology to ensure carbon footprint is minimised.
Urban Speed Limit Repeater
This TSRGD-compliant speed sign is compact and lightweight, designed for easy installation and manoeuvrability. Whether it be an exclusive 20/30 zone, legislation changes or even just a reduction at peak times − this compact sign is the perfect solution for speed limit reductions.
It can display either a 20 or 30mph reminder and uses energy-efficient technology to ensure carbon footprint is minimised.