04 September 2023 | Dixon Group Europe
Enhancing Site Safety with King Safety Cables to Prevent Hose Whip
If you''ve ever experienced a sudden disconnection or failure of a pressurized air hose on a worksite, you know how dangerous it can be.
The sudden burst of air can cause the hose assembly to flail around uncontrollably, putting everyone in the vicinity at risk and potentially damaging equipment. While safety check valves can prevent the flow of air in case of equipment failure, they are not always suitable for applications, such as sandblasting or pile driving, where an immediate surge of air is required.
King safety cables offer an effective solution to prevent hose whip in the event of accidental separation of a coupling or clamp device. The steel cables span the hose fittings to provide standby safety for the hose. The spring-loaded loops in the cable ends of King safety cables provide a firm grip on the hose by passing over the couplings, enabling them to be used in hose-to-hose, hose-to-rigid outlet, or hose-to-tool configurations.
To determine which style of cable to use, you need to identify the hose's inside diameter, which can usually be found on the hose layline, and determine the application pressure. Then, use the chart on the King safety cable page on Dixon's website to select the appropriate model. For instance, if you want to secure the hose to the ball valve of a compressor, you'll need a hose-to-tool style cable. Suppose the hose's inside diameter is 1½ inches and the pressure is 125 PSI; in that case, you'll find the cable that meets those requirements is the WSR3.
Remember always to use King safety cables whenever necessary to avoid "hose whip" and help you meet the OSHA standard 1926.302(b).