04 September 2023 | Dixon Group Europe
Blowout Preventers and Couplings: Essential Components of Oil and Gas Drilling Rigs
Have you ever forgotten to secure the lid on a blender before blending a smoothie or milkshake?
Though inconvenient, this mistake pales in comparison to a blowout on an oil or gas drilling rig, which can be catastrophic. That’s why drilling rigs require more than just a lid to prevent blowouts. They require a blowout prevention system, comprised of blowout preventers (BOPs) and couplings.Overview:
While oil and gas extraction should occur seamlessly, complications can arise. That's why it's important for oil and gas rigs to be prepared to stop a blowout before it becomes uncontrollable. A blowout preventer is designed to prevent blowouts and is an assembly of large valves attached to the top of a well to contain the pressure and maintain the slow, controlled release of crude oil or natural gas.
Ram and annular are the two main types of BOPs. Ram BOPs prevent oil from escaping and other foreign materials from entering by closing the well during operation. Annular BOPs are usually installed on top of the ram BOPs or over the wellbore. Their job is to serve as the final line of defence against a blowout by forming a seal in the space between the pipe and the wellbore. The BOPs are activated by an accumulator system, which stores the hydraulic pressure required to close the BOPs and keep the oil well sealed if a blowout is imminent.
Dixon® BOP Couplings:
Dixon's BOP-series quick couplers are designed specifically for blowout prevention systems on drilling rigs. The couplers are used to attach hydraulic hoses from the accumulator to the BOP stack. They are fire tested, Lloyd’s certified to 1300°F (700°C) in accordance with API 16D, and come in three different series: VEP-BOP-series, H-BOP-series, and WS-BOP-series.