McCormick Construction Consultancy Ltd

06 September 2023 | Contact Attachments

McCormick Construction Consultancy Ltd

With many businesses offering niche or bespoke services, it can often result in equipment not being readily available on the market that are needed to support with such tasks.

Bodging or ‘making do’ isn’t a viable option - as it would only delay productivity and business efficiency, as well as pose a significant health and safety risk − so a suitable solution must be found.

Berkshire-based McCormick Construction Consultancy (MCC) Ltd specialise in the design, supply and manufacture of specialist architectural precast, natural stone and GRC façades, and unfortunately, they were posed with this dilemma. Unable to use conventional lifting methods, such as cranes, to raise their precast columns into position due to limited space, they were seeking an appropriate alternative. That was until they found Contact Attachments…

Dan McCormick, Managing Director at MCC Ltd, explains the challenges they were facing, how they discovered Contact Attachments, and how this partnership has enhanced business.

What challenges were you facing?
“We were completing a project that required precast columns to be positioned underneath a balcony. However, this meant that our conventional lifting methods weren’t suitable due to the limited space and requirement for flexible manoeuvrability. Unfortunately, we didn’t have an alternative to safely and suitably support our project.

How did you come across Contact Attachments?
“Knowing that we needed to find a new solution, we researched other equipment or procedures. We came across Contact Attachments and spoke in-depth with their team of experts to understand which product would be best suited to our needs.

“Thanks to their expertise and support, they advised that the Reel Handler Attachment, designed to slip over the forklift forks, would be our best solution to safely handle items. As it was manufactured to order it allowed for complete compatibility with our existing forklift − enhancing our equipment range, allowing us to be as productive as possible, and providing value for money. Introducing this into our business has helped massively − and will continue to do so for future projects.

Based on your experience, would you work with the team at Contact Attachments again?
“Absolutely! I actually need another forklift attachment − again, due to the nature of our business a very bespoke requirement. For this project, I will be calling upon their custom design service to tailor a solution to exactly meet the needs of my business.”