Compact benchtop autoclaves for the containment level 3 lab

06 February 2024 | Astell Scientific Ltd

Compact benchtop autoclaves for the containment level 3 lab

Astell provide an alternative with their AMB Classic Fill Benchtop Autoclave range. These compact devices can be supplied with Containment Level 3 compatibility, ensuring airborne particles cannot escape the sterilisation cycle.

A combination of condensed componentry and low utility requirements ensures the AMB can be placed close to the location where Hazard Group 3 biological agents or Class 3 Genetically Modified Organisms are being utilised, minimising the time and distance between the points where an item becomes biohazardous waste and sterilization. With no direct plumbing or drainage required, and only a domestic power supply required, the device is simple to position and install.

As with all Astell autoclaves, the AMB is equipped with an intuitive and easily programable touchscreen control system − capable of being controlled with bare or gloved hands, or via any solid item that can apply pressure to the screen such as a stylus. Optional ethernet connectivity allows for remote control and monitoring of the device, while password protection and an optional FDA CFR Part 11 compliance pack provide security and user monitoring as required.

Contact us to discuss ordering an AMB Classic Fill today.