23 February 2024 | Withinthebox Ltd

Old safe(s) for Disposal, Safe Relocation, or Safe Repair?

Many businesses and households do indeed have and still use their old safe, thinking it will still be viable today. Sadly, and we hate to say, your Insurer will eventually tell you to replace it with a more modern up to date safe.

Key Cabinets & Key Safes

Things to look out for:

1: Does my safe have a brass handle or brass name plate, chromed handle and name badge?

If the answer is YES, and its name plate is screwed to the door, now is the time to upgrade to new. Why? Your safe will probably be made with a mild steel body and door, and at the time of build, tools of the day may not have gained access to the opportunist. Your safe is no match for modern tools.

2: Does your safe state ‘Fire Proof’ on its door?

If so, the safe sadly IS NOT fire proof. Tap the top of the safe, it should sound hollow. Then tap down one side of the safe until the tapping sound changes tone. This will be the level of the original fire barrier material and being a mix of Sawdust and Gypsum, and by the years of opening and closing of the door, the content material has indeed settled. Thus giving no fire protection whatsoever.

3: A safe, described as above was more than likely manufactured before 1950. and in the majority, most of these old brands no longer exist: plus, the safe will not have a bolting down hole and therefore can be moved more easily. In addition, parts are not readily available should it need repairing. This is where, if you wish to keep using the safe for non valuable items, we offer service and repairs, key copy, relocation, disposal and of course, valuable Insurance Advice!! Almost all of this type of safe have very low to zero Insurance rating, and therefore. Not viable today!

We like to think that your old safe, perhaps a nice piece of Victorian history: can be re-purposed as a Coffee table, Wine cooler or just a nice piece of art in the corner, and should your old safe need a service, repair, relocation, spare key or disposal, we do have National coverage using a trusted Safe Engineer or relocation/removal network to solve your needs in the quickest possible time at highly competitive pricing.