19 July 2024 | Construction Industry Publications Ltd

Build UK members contribute to latest updates to CIP Construction H&S and Environmental Manuals

Build UK Members have continued its work with Construction Industry Publications (CIP) throughout the first half of 2024 to ensure the Construction Health & Safety (H&S) and Environmental manuals include industry recognised health, safety and environmental policies and standards.

To this end CIP works with both Build UK Contractor and Trade Associations Members, including Laing O’Rourke and Mace.

This integrated approach aims to improve the knowledge and practices of those on site without duplicating information or publishing conflicting advice.

The latest updates include:
The latest update to the CIP Construction Health and Safety Manual includes the following
  • An update to the First Aid Section in A2 − Site Set-Up and Logistics following new HSE guidance in Feb 2024
  • An update to CSCS Card information, Build UK Training Standards, FAQs and CSCS list of Occupations in A3 Training following the CLC recommendation on Industry Card Schemes, which confirms that all cards carrying the CSCS logo for skilled occupations should be achieved by qualification, cards obtained via Industry Accreditation will no longer be renewed from 30 June 2024 and all such cards will expire on 31 December 2024. CSCS has issued guidance on replacing Blue, Gold and Black Industry Accreditation cards issued by the core scheme, and there are now just 25,000 individuals holding these cards, down from more than 60,000.
  • An update to the guidance on the Diving at Work Regulations and the Register of Legislation
  • A general update to C5- Asbestos Section following new HSE website information
  • New guidance on the safe use of Pipe Coil Trailers in the Mobile Plant Section.
  • A major revision to the E3-Fire Section as a result of the new JCOP and Building Safety Regulations
  • A general update throughout to the E18- Overhead and Underground Services Section
  • An update to the F1-Building Safety Act Section.
  • The Supports and Fixings Section (F1) has been updated following the new BSI Standard - BS 8539:2012+A1:2021
  • The latest update to the CIP Construction Environmental Manual includes the following
  • In Section 1 An Introduction to Environmental Management the ‘climate action changes’ of the ISO management standards are described
  • In Section 3 Register of Legislation, both the Register and Appendix 1 - Statutory, Non-statutory and other guidance and standards are updated with guidance applicable to England, Wales and Scotland now separately identified
  • The requirement in England for a 10% gain in biodiversity value (BNG) due to development is detailed in Section 4 Design.
  • In Section 9 Materials the Standards for reduction of embodied carbon in future public buildings in Wales and Scotland are described; Information on wood packaging and biosecurity is updated; Information on sustainability schemes for aluminium and concrete is added; and additions are made to the good practice applicable to recycled aggregates and to subsoil retention
  • In Section 10 Nuisance, reference is made to the Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) standard; the section on air quality is updated and information on the requirements for construction work in London is expanded; and the Information on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) is revised and the Appendix listing those towns and cities in which a CAZ exists or is anticipated is updated.
  • The legal requirement for separate collection of recyclable waste streams in Wales is described together with the current requirements in England and Scotland, and the separate requirements in England and Scotland for the transfer of wood waste are identified are in Section 11 Waste.

The Construction Health and Safety Manual and Construction Environmental Manual have been written to help people working in the construction industry to make health and safety and environmental improvements in the construction industry. It is recognised that this guidance contains some advice that may go further than the minimum needed to comply with health and safety law.
Their text is strictly monitored by an editorial panel of Health & Safety and Environmental Experts who check its content for accuracy and topicality. The manual is designed in a loose-leaf format so that it can easily be updated, and amendments and new sections are normally published twice a year and are available to manual owners who pay a subscription. By signing up to the automatic subscription service you will receive each update twice yearly automatically.

The Manual is also available on CDROM and USB and online at www.cip-knowledge.com