Is it time to get your warehouse stock accuracy ready for peak season?

14 October 2024 | Orridge Powered by RGIS

Is it time to get your warehouse stock accuracy ready for peak season?

As we fast approach the bumper retail season, with notable dates coming thick and fast, every retailer knows that stock needs to be moved accurately and at a pace.

Whatever sector you’re in − you know what is coming and you know that in order to have your stores correctly stocked your warehouse or distribution centre needs to be on point.

The only real sense of accurate inventory is the data produced by your Warehouse Management System (WMS), and as we all know, the data you get out is only as good as the data you put in. To establish a true sense of perspective the use of an independent expert auditing firm, like Orridge Supply Chain Services can help. Our independence means that Orridge only have the accuracy of your stock at the heart of all we do. Our expertise means we can tailor an approach that works with your specific retail needs.

Smaller retailers
Warehouse Stocktakes are a big undertaking. For smaller retailers they can be the most efficient way to get your warehouse in order. A full Wall-to-Wall Stocktake of your warehouse provides a clear and obvious snapshot of everything you have in and can confirm your level of readiness. It is exactly as it sounds, where expert auditors from Orridge, come and count every item in your warehouse against your inventory to provide you a true and accurate data set.

Larger warehouses
For larger, constantly operational warehouses, the full stop nature of a wall-to-wall stock take is often not the right solution. Perpetual Inventory checks beyond those of your WMS provision can target specific seasonal stock, in readiness for the forthcoming festivities. These are generally a more suitable method for such retailers. These run on the same premise as a wall-to-wall stock take but in a targeted and systematic manner. They can be used to count only specific stock or run an ongoing recurring cyclical count across a whole warehouse, so as not to stop stock movement.

getting it right in January
Some companies may feel that they are set for the silly season − and ready for the ensuing chaos. For those retailers, it would be good to consider taking stock of your accuracy in January. This is the single biggest time of mass stock rejuvenation within the calendar year and a time when getting your accuracy right really sets out your stall for the coming seasons.

Perpetual Inventory Checks (PI)
PI is perfect for a business where your supply chain is constantly on the move or changing. It can be hard to keep up when everything is happening at once, but PI checks help seamlessly and continuously record stock data in a way that traditional wall-to-wall stocktakes simply do not allow. It is also a process that can take place in the background, meaning you needn’t interfere with your operations to complete them!

However, and whenever you do it, having a correct and accurate inventory record sets you in place to ensure On-Shelf Availability for those must-have goods, giving you the confidence that your systems are in place to go out and there and smash the forthcoming retail bonanza.