19 November 2024 | Salon Tracker Ltd
Salon Trackers New Timer Manager Features.
Salon Tracker are always working on developing new features into their system to help their customers run their salons in the best way possible.
Salon Tracker were one of the first UK based software’s that introduced timer manager integration so salons could set their sunbeds off directly from their Salon Tracker and also set how long they would like the delay to be for their customers to get ready before the bed turns on. Now they have made this even better by adding some more timer manager features.Whilst Salon Tracker have always allowed their customers to choose how long they want their dress down times to be, they have now made this even more personal so their customers can now set each of their customers their own personal delay. This means that salons can be more inclusive when it comes to people who may need that bit of extra time to get ready for their sunbed than others. It also means that customers who are more on the speedy side can get on the bed as fast as possible!
Another new feature that has been added, specifically for salons who have a TMAX timer manager, is the new pause feature. This allows salon owners to pause the dress down time countdown. This can come in handy in situations where the customer using the bed may need the toilet last minute or if they decide they want to buy a cream. The person working in the salon can simply pause the countdown and help the customer and then set the timer off again at a better time.
If you would like any more information on these features, or would like to take advantage of our upcoming Black Friday deals.