28 February 2025 | Solutions Training & Advisory Ltd
People Moving People (Moving & Handling) Train the Trainer
Who should attend: This course is for anyone wishing to deliver up to date moving and handling training and conduct and record formal manual handling risk assessments.
They should be free of injury or any medical condition that may place them at risk of injury, have at least three years hands on experience in their sector and be capable of learning at level 3.
Upcoming Course dates: Tuesday the 1st of April, Wednesday the 2nd of April, Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th of April 2025. – North London
Monday the 28th, Tuesday the 29th, Wednesday the 30th April and Thurdday the 1st of May 2025 – Lancashire.
4 days
£999 per person EX VAT
Course Aims:
• To provide competent moving and handling instructors inline with best practice standard as of 2025.
• To reduce risk of injury to staff and people being handled.
• To avoid prosecution and litigation.
This course has been designed with the core aim of creating a confident, motivated, professionally qualified manual handling instructor for health, social care or education settings.
Course Introduction:
This course, originally launched in 1997 and regularly updated has been designed to ensure you have a team member who can deliver up to date moving and handling training and risk assessment so that, risks are reduced to both employees and those being moved.
The course centres on improving people handling by combining the use of criterion-based risk assessment with current best practice handling techniques and of the new handling aids designed to reduce risk.
The content is in line with best practice as defined in the Guide to Handling People 7th edition. This course stimulates an ideal climate for change to attitudes, practices and motivation in the workplace Participants discover ways to inspire their trainees to move and handle people in a manner that requires far less effort, affords greater dignity and hugely improves confidence in a range of settings.
If staff do not have training experience don’t worry as they are trained to use our unique method of instruction.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Act as advisers on up-to-date basic back care and manual handling issues in the workplace.
• Assess the need for and provide up to date moving and handling solutions when moving both people and inanimate loads.
• Conduct “suitable and sufficient” manual handling risk assessments as required by law.
• Deliver competently the theoretical and practical topics to groups no larger than six.
What delegates will learn:
How to deliver the theoretical and specified practical objectives in respect of:
• How the law in respect to manual handling applies.
• How the principles of spinal mechanics and back care.
• How to safely move and handle inanimate loads.
• How to conduct a personal or dynamic risk assessment to avoid, reduce or eliminate risks.
• How to communicate and gain cooperation with people being moved.
• How to conduct and record a formal manual handling risk assessment as required by law.
• How to safely move and handle people with and without the use of specialist equipment.
• How to effectively instruct others in handling techniques using our unique “8 step approach to effect instruction”.
Scottish and Welsh manual handling passport scheme:
The course content is compliant with both schemes.
Post Course Trainers Materials to Assist Your Internal Training Sessions:
Participants will have access to for a one-year period:
High quality training materials bespoke to your sector, the presentation materials including audio, video, on screen activities and library of 24 filmed moving and handling techniques.
High quality trainers reference manual
Supporting documents / books including a copy of the Manual Handling Operations regulations, risk assessment pro forma, workplace competency observation sheets and much more.
Colour trainee workbooks that can be printed off at will by you to give to those you train, plus in digital format.
Access to a year of support from the company in respect of any moving and handling issues
Automatic alerts to any changes in best practice
12 months free access to our latest version of “People Moving People” e-Learning.
Continued access to the online People Moving People theoretical course, Free Demo
Special requirements of course participants:
They should be free of injury or any medical condition that may place them at risk of injury.
Assessment Process:
This will be overall and continuous, against the course objectives completion of a multiple-choice paper, and delivery if a micro teach session.
Certification / Accreditation:
On successful completion of this programme participants will receive a Solutions certificate of completion and the Q.N.U.K. Level 3 “Moving and Handling Trainers Award” which is on the regulated qualifications framework.
Course Trainer:
Paul Meek (Chartered F.C.I.P.D) who started his career in the NHS where he was a paramedic tutor. Paul has been a contributor to national policy in respect of best practice for moving and handling. With huge experience in training “people handling trainers” in a wide range of settings he has acted as an adviser to special education, health and social care sectors since 1994. With many relevant qualifications he will guarantee success and learning experience that will be both highly enjoyable and powerful. At solutionstraining.co.uk there are testimonials as to why you should use Solutions for this training.
For any questions, or to book onto one of the courses please contact Charlotte Carson