30 April 2010 | Whittan
Whittington Primary School Case Study
Link Lockers take on Whittington Primary School supplying them with high quality lockers.
The IssueLike many primary schools throughout the country, Whittington Church of England Primary School in Shropshire had previously relied on cloakrooms and coat hooks to provide storage for bags and coats during the school day. This inevitably raised issues with children’s possessions falling on the floor creating a potential hazard as well as an untidy environment.
The Solution
Link Lockers assessed the requirements of the school and proposed a solution of BioCote protected steel lockers on stands with keyless door closure. The colourful design and easily opened doors allows children access to an individual compartment without the need for keys which could otherwise be easily lost. The lockers are located near classrooms throughout the school and the design allows children in and out of classrooms more quickly, decreasing crowding in corridors.
With a compartment instead of a hook, storage is provided for more than coats and bags and lost property in the school has therefore reduced significantly. As each child knows he or she has a dedicated storage space, this also helps them be more organised during the day. BioCote anti-microbial protection also helps reduce the risk of cross-contamination of bacteria such as e-coli and MRSA from high-contact frequency surfaces such as locker doors.
The Client says:
“Bringing lockers into the school has enabled us to improve the overall health and safety on our premises. Coats and bags are now safely stored and the children are less stressed and generally happier which helps with their learning during the day. Lockers also help in removing potential fire hazards from the school, as recommended by local fire services.
“Link Lockers provided an excellent product and service with the installation being completed in less than a day during half term with minimum disruption.”