01 July 2010 | Llewellyn (Safety Advisors) Europe Ltd
Will you meet the November 30th Deadline for CLP?
For companies supplying hazardous substances which are classified in line with the CPL (CHIP) Regulations, the November 30th deadline is fast approaching.
Will you meet the November 30th Deadline for CLP?For companies supplying hazardous substances which are classified in line with the CPL (CHIP) Regulations, the November 30th deadline is fast approaching.
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation or simply “CLP”) entered into force on 20 January 2009 in all the EU countries.
The Regulation allows a transitional period during which both the current legislation and the new Regulation will be in place
It stipulates that the deadline for reclassification of substances and mixtures are:
• 30th November 2010 for substances; and
• 31st May 2015 for mixtures.
CLP is currently based on the current revision of the UN GHS and will supersede DSD and DPD over time.
Manufacturers, Importers, Downstream Users, Distributors and Producers of articles all have responsibilities under the new legislation.
Companies need to complete the following to meet the deadline (some of this will have been done under the REACH Regulations):
Inventory of your substances and mixtures (including those substances contained in mixtures) and substances contained in articles
Identify who your suppliers are
Identify your customers are and how they use them.
Assess the need for training of the appropriate technical and regulatory staff in your organisation;
Monitor the website of your Competent Authority and of the Agency to keep up-to date
Re-classify your substances and mixtures.
Change their label
Revise Safety Data Sheets
In some cases change the packaging may need to be changed as well
Industry has less that 6 months left to complete the reclassification of substances; this will entail classification under new criteria’s, a complete change to the labelling system being used and more in depth SDS.
If you need assistance in any of these areas, we can help, to find out more, or to find out how we can help call the office.